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Saturday January 14, 2012 Igo, CA

Amid tremendous heart felt pomp and ceremony they laid to rest the body of Chad Regelin, who died fighting the Taliban in Afghanistan. I'm sure it touched the hearts of his family to see literally hundreds of people lining the route to the cemetery waving American flags and signs of support.

It is worrisome at time to see some of the things happening in our country. But it was reassuring to realize that as long as we produce young men and women of the caliber of Chad Regelin, and have a core of concerned and caring citizens, such as those that lined the roadway, this country will remain what is has always been; a truly great nation.

May we never forget, that freedom isn't free...

Below is a link for U-Tube video that shows some of the community's support for our fallen hero; Chad Regelin.

Chad Regelin

May He rest in peace... His Mission is complete... His service is never forgotton.

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