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Saturday May 30, 2015
Welcome Home - US Navy Petty Officer 3rd Class, Kelcy Campbell, Reno, NV Airport

On a beautiful spring morning, seven Patriot Guard Riders formed a Flag Line at the Reno Tahoe International Airport to welcome home US Navy Petty Officer Kelcy Campbell from a nine and one half month deployment to the Middle East.

She has been deployed on the USS Carl Vinson aircraft carrier the last 9 1/2 months. They have been involved with the air strikes against Isis in Iraq and Syria. Petty Officer 3rd Class Campbell is the daughter of proud Blue Star Mother, Leann Campbell.

The Patriot Guard was joined on the Flag Line by four members of the Corvina Submarine veterans, numerous members of the awesome Blue Star Mothers and were completely outnumbered by Kelcy Campbell's family and friends.

Petty Officer Campbell, we welcome you home, honor you service and offer our gratitude for keeping us free.

Paula Fleming
Blue Star Mothers of America
Truckee Meadows NV #3

Standing For Those Who Stood For US
Dean Shuff
Northern Nevada Assistant State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders of Nevada

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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