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Saturday July 28, 2018
US Army, WWII Veteran, Corporal Lenn Bill - Susanville, CA

Patriot Guard Riders having been invited by the family of WWII Veteran Corporal Lenn Bill, who died in 2018 in Susanville, CA. Born in April of 1926 in Adin, CA.

On a very cool morning, 70 - 80 degrees, in Susanville (Only cool because of the several fires burning in nearby areas, Redding, CA fire and Eagle Lake - Spalding, CA fire with smoke blocking the sunshine from heating up the morning faster) 20 PGR arrived to pay final Honors and Respect to our Fallen WWII veteran Lenn Bill. His former wife was also buried with him at the cemetery.

About our Hero;
Served in the US Army 1944-1946
Worked with the 147th Chem Warfare SV CO, Camp Beale, CA
Worked as Truck Driver 345 in Pusan, Korea

I would like to personally thanks to ALL PGR and other local Veterans Services that were in attendance..

They are;
2 PGR from Alturas, CA
5 PGR from Susanville areas
13 PGR from Northern NV PGR, Reno, Sparks, Fernley, Fallon, Minden, Gardnerville
Susanville local VFW and American Legion
US Army Honor Guard, Truckee & Sacramento, CA

I would like to thank US Army Lenn Bill and his family and friends for their support of Lenn Bill, and for his service to our Country.

Rest in Peace, Sir... Your Mission is complete.

PGR Ride Captain
Susanville, CA
Blake "Burnout"

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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