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Tuesday August 2, 2016
**EVENT** - "National Night Out" - Susanville, CA

**The below information was not a PGR Mission. It was just to make everyone aware of what is happening and to come out an support our local law enforcement. In light of all the bad press and junk that is going on in this country towards our law enforcement, It was good, as local citizens, and PGR, to show that we appreciate and support of law enforcement.

"National Night Out" - Susanville, CA and Lassen County

Susanville Police Department, California Hyway Patrol and Lassen County Sheriff's Office will be hosting "National Night Out" from 6:00pm to 8:00pm on Tuesday August 2, 2016 at the Memorial Park in Susanville, CA.

Sponsored by the National Association of Town watch, this event has been happening for more than 30 years and provides an opportunity for residents to meet local law enforcement officers and learn about keeping communities safe through neighborhood watch programs.

According to its website, NATW is a premiere non-profit organization dedicated to enhancing the communities in which we live through an established network of law enforement agencies, neighborhood watch groups, civic groups, state and regional crime prevention associations and volunteers across the nation.

The Susanville Police Department is excited to be co-hosting this year's first annual National Night Out. Emergency response vehicles of all kinds from the Police Department, Sheriff's Office and Hyway Patrol will be on display at the Park. Entertainment and food will also be sold there.

For more information call the Susanville Police Department at 530-257-5603, the Lassen County sheriffs Office at 530-251-8013 or visit by clicking here: WWW.NATW.ORG

Blake "Burnout"
Susanville Patriot Guard

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