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June 30, 2012
Spec 4 Michael L. Richmond, US Army, Vietnam War Veteran - Westwood CA
The family invited the PGR to provide honors during an Interment Service for U.S. Army -Spec 4 Michael L. Richmond, US Army, Vietnam War Veteran at the Westwood Cemetery in Westwood, CA. The mission involved a flag line at Westwood Cemetery in Westwood, CA. for family and friends to pass through. On a wonderful warm, summer day, 19 PGR members - 17 PGR motors and 2 “cages” showed to present Honors for this true American Hero where the PGR stood Honor line at his final resting.
I would like to especially thank PGR Assist State Captain Mickey G and his group who rode up from Sacramento, CA and Reno NV PGR Dave Kealey and his group who rode up from Reno, NV to honor this true American Hero. In addition to our Patriot Guard Riders we had a great representation of many groups on this Mission. They include:
U. S. Army Honor Guard
Patriot Guard Riders
American Legion
Marine Corps League
Lastly, but not the least, I am thankful to Spec 4 Michael L. Richmond, US Army, Vietnam War Veteran, an American Hero, and his family. Please know your sacrifice was not in vain, and we will not forget what you’ve done for our Nation.
Rest in Peace, your Mission is complete.
RC - Rick "Taildragger" Schultz
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