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Sunday October 27, 2019
US Air Force Veteran, Sgt. (E4) Dennis Jones - Lake City, CA (Modoc County)

The family of USAF Sgt. (E4) Dennis Jones had requested the Patriot Guard Riders be present at his interment service. The service was held at 2pm at the Lake City, CA cemetery in Surprise Valley.

On a nasty cold & windy day, 6 PGR members "Stood The Flag Line" for U.S. Air Force Sgt. Dennis Jones in Lake City, Ca.

Sadly, Sgt. Jones' daughter received no response from sources she contacted to provide a rifle squad, bugler and flag presentation. In their absence, PGR conducted a formal "Present Arms Salute" to the family, friends and especially to USAF Sgt. Jones.

Thanks to the four PGR members from Susanville who made the nearly 3 hour trek to assist the two Modoc PGR present.

Finally, thanks to USAF Sgt. Dennis Jones for his service in Turkey & The Philippines: Your watch is now complete and clear skies ahead.

Skip "BoonieRider" Kelly
Ride Captain, Modoc Patriot Guard Riders
Alturas, CA. (530) 260-1739

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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