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Thursday October 27, 2016
'Unaccompanied Interment Service' - Northern Nevada Veterans' Memorial Cemetery, Fernley, NV.

Our fallen veterans who are without family, homeless, indigent or just forgotten and remain unclaimed are honored.

Good day all... three motors and various cages from Garderville, Reno, Susanville, Fernley, Fallon converged at the Northern Nevada Veterans Cemetery to stand and honor eleven veterans who have passed. Amazing Grace was sung and bagpipes were played also in the ceremony a firing of three volley was displayed as was a flag fold. Sixteen members of the PGR was in attendance and was appreciated as well as the Coalition who conducted the service. Thanks to all who came in the rain to stand for these veterans.

...Roger Elliott
Ride Captain,
Fernley-Fallon, NV.

Bill Drummond
Assistant State Captain
Northern Nevada
Patriot Guard Riders
"Standing for Those Who Stood for US"

Dean Shuff
Northern Nevada Assistant State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders of Nevada
Standing For Those Who Stood For US

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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