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Saturday October 28, 2017
Earl Grooms US Army Veteran - Janesville, CA

The family having invited the PGR to provide honors during a Memorial Service for U.S. Army Earl Grooms at his family's home in Janesville, CA.

On a beautiful Fall season warm day, 18 PGR arrived to stand and honor US Army Veteran Earl Grooms for his service to our country.

I would like to thank all those who participated in this Mission;
2 PGR from Alturas, CA
5 PGR from Susanville, Janesville, Johnstonville
1 PGR from Westwood
10 PGR from Northern Nevada PGR, Fernley, Fallom, Sparks, Reno, Carson City, Minden
The US Army Honor Guard
The Susanville VFW and American Legion

Thank you to Earl Grooms and his family and friends for their support to our American Veteran Hero.

Rest in Peace.. Your Mission is complete.

Susanville, CA PGR Ride Captain:
Blake "Burnout"

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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