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Wednesday May 18, 2016
National Veterans' Awareness Ride - Reno Veterans Hospital, Reno, NV

Patriot Guard Riders having been invited to the National Veterans' Awareness Ride will depart Auburn, CA on it's eastbound journey to 'The Wall' in Washington, DC.

Each day of travel during the ten day journey includes stops at Veterans' Hospitals and Veterans' Homes to visit with and thank our veterans for their service and sacrifice.

Jerry Connor, President of the National Veterans' Awareness Organization has sent the group's itinerary for it's trip across Nevada, including the visits to Veterans Administration Medical Center (VAMC) in Reno and a wreath laying ceremony at the Northern Nevada Veterans' Memorial Cemetery, Fernley, NV.

The group of approximately fifty riders arrived at the VAMC at approximately 10:30 AM for a visit with veterans, a lunch in the parking lot, departing at 12:00 Noon for Fernley, NV and on to the overnight in Elko, NV.

The Patriot Guard Riders having been invited to stand a flag line at the parking lot's entrance welcoming the Veterans' Awareness riders to Reno. The parking lot is located at the Community Living Center (CLC) at the corner of Locust and Taylor Streets.

'Standing For Those Who Stood For US'
Dean Shuff
Northern Nevada Assistant State Captain
Patriot Guard Riders of Nevada

Blake "Burnout"

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