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Monday December 4, 2017
US Air Force Veteran, Lars Ottosson - Susanville, CA

The family of Lars Ottosson had requested that the Patriot Guard Riders (PGR) stand with this fallen Veteran at the Diamond Crest Cemetery in Susanville, CA.

**On a sunny clear cold day, 4 PGR stood in honor with the family and friends of USAF Veteran Lars Ottoson.

I would like to thank the following;
2 PGR from Alturas, CA
2 PGR from Susanville, CA
VFW Susanville, CA
US Air Force Honor Guard

Rest in Peace Sir Lars Ottosson.. Your Mission is complete..

Susanville, CA PGR Ride Captain:
Blake "Burnout"

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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