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Sunday August 23, 2015 at 10:00 am
Assist Missing In America Project (MIAP),
Honors at Arlington, Sea to Shining Sea - Susanville, CA

The MIAP (Missing In America Project) has a Mission - Honors at Arlington, Sea to Shining Sea - that will entail transporting six unclaimed Veterans remains (one from each branch of the Service and one Buffalo Soldier) from Redding, CA to Arlington Cemetery, Arlington, VA. The MIAP will be entering Susanville on the first day of their trip at approx 1030hrs - 23 August 2015. The MIAP requested PGR participation in escorting the group of motorcycles into town.

Over 120 motorcycles, plus other vehicles participated in the Honor Procession.

We met at the Brake Check area, west of town on Hwy 36 at 1000hrs. Susanville Police Department had units there to provide Police Escort through the City of Susanville to the Wal-Mart parking lot. Once at Wal-Mart, the City of Susanville Fire Department had a Ladder Truck stationed with the American Flag to Honor those six Veterans. This was a worth-while Mission supporting our Brothers in Arms whose remains are to be Interned at Arlington Cemetery.

AGENCIES INVOLVED: California Highway Patrol - City of Susanville Police Department - City of Susanville Fire Department - Susanville Lassen County National Guard - VFW - American Legion - Susanville, CA Local Community - Various Others

**See note below the ARC for further info***

RC: Rick "Taildragger" Schultz

ARC: Blake "Burnout"
Patriot Guard Riders

From myself, ARC and a Patriot Guard Rider,
American Patriot, WebMaster/Owner of this website:

In the past almost 5 years now since I became aware of the Patriot Guard Riders, began this website, and have had the honor and priveledge to attend over 200 PGR Missions, make new friends, participate in Veteran functions in our local area, Reno, Redding... This was the first PGR Honor Procession for our fallen Veterans, that I have ever participated in and seen such an outpouring of honor, respect from a local community.

During my ride down Main Street... there were no cheers...applause... Just silence, respect, fellow Veterans saluting, everyone with flags, their hands over their heart... It was the most beautiful outpouring for Our Veterans and Our Country that I have ever seen.

There were several times during the ride that it took all I had within me to hold back my tears of shear joy, happiness and respect for our Community as well. We were ALL in one heart and mind together, honoring our Veterans. Thank You ALL for sharing that joy with me and everyone else that was there that day.

Very Sincerely,
Blake "Burnout"
Patriot Guard Rider
Susanville, CA
"Standing for Those who Stood for Us"

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