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Friday May 5, 2023 at 10:00 am MST
Honor Escort Mission;
US Navy, US Army Veteran, Marc A. Sweeten, Retired US Navy - US Army , WoT, Law Enforcement,
MULTI-STATE - Murray, Utah - West Wendover, NV - Ely, NV

About the Mission:
SSG Marc A. Sweeten, served in the U.S. Navy, then in the U.S. Army, retiring after more than 20 years of service. He completed tours of duty in Lebanon and Iraq. He also served as a Corrections Officer in Nevada.

***Primary Murry, Utah Staging Details:
9:15 AM at Jenkins-Soffe Mortuary, 4760 S State St., Murray, Utah

KSU: 9:45 - 10:00 am MST
This will be a veteran's format, escort only. We will escort SSG Sweeten from Murray to Maverik gas station, located at 1020 Florence Way, West Wendover NV. SSG Sweeten's family will then continue the procession to Ely, NV, possibly with the assistance of the NV PGR and Nevada Highway Patrol. While the Utah portion of the escort will be complete at West Wendover, anyone wishing to do so is welcome continue on their own with the procession to Ely.
There will be no stop between Murray and Wendover, so be sure to fuel prior, and plan accordingly for a 125 mile trip each way.

Flags & Water:
Flags will be provided.
If you have large bike flags, please bring them.
Water will not be provided, please bring your own.

Utah Ride Captain:
Grant Carver
Submitted by: Reed Newman
Utah Assistant State Captain

***Secondary West Wendover, Nevada to Ely, Nevada Staging Details:
Friday May 5, 2023 at 11:15 am MST

We will all meet/stage at the Maverik Gas Station, located at 1020 Florence Way, West Wendover, NV at exit 410 on I-80.
The Utah PGR Escort is expected to approximately arrive at 11:30 - 12:00 pm MST.

There will be a Mission Briefing and more details given when all arrive at the Maverik in West Wendover, NV.

The approximate time of departing from the Maverik Gas Station is 12:30 pm MST.
SSG Sweeten, his family and friends, will then continue the procession to Ely, NV, with the assistance of the NV PGR and possible Nevada Highway Patrol. West Wendover Police Dept, will provide traffic control from the Maverik, through town to the Hyway 93A highway.

Wendover, NV-UT PGR Ride Captain:
Blake "Burnout"

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