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NVAR 2019 Wendover.. Video:

For more info, visit their website at: www.nvar.us

Thursday May 16th, 2019
"National Veterans Awareness Ride" - West Wendover, NV-UT

It was a high cloudy overcast day, but no rain threats and about 65-70 degrees for the arrival of the NVAR group coming from the West to Wendover. In the approximate hour before they group arrives, 60+ riders from various groups arrived from SLC and farther areas to welcome and join the NVAR group on their trek across Utah.

The local West Wendover Police and Fire Dept were there to help with traffic control both coming and going for the event. A very special thank you from all involved to them for their support.

Myself and about 14 other locals from the community were there also. "Izzy" from the local City Council was present with his wife also.

West Wendover, NV PGR Ride Captain:
Blake "Burnout"

**Below is an excerp from the NVAR's daily BLOG;

I was honored this morning to ride beside the Headdog to our first stop. That is a special position at the front of the NVAR formation, which is its own formation known as the Missing Man Formation. Headdog and another, myself this morning, ride in front. Another rider is chosen to ride behind Headdog, beside an empty slot which is behind my position, in which rides the spirit of the soldier who made the ultimate sacrifice. Behind that are two riders protecting the rear. The Missing Man Formation rides every mile of the ride. It is a great honor to ride in that formation.

The expanse and beauty of the west is unique, and on a motorcycle, it’s an experience to behold. Our formation ran over Interstate 80 like a meteor through the cosmos, and all too soon, the first hundred miles had slipped by.

As we came over the hill before Wendover, the Great Salt Lake Desert came into full view—a vast area of white. The two lanes of I80 laid across it and disappeared in a distant white haze; which we would encounter later.

About seventy riders from the UMF Social Club waited at our gas stop; a reunion we have each year. Their President, Jason, welcomed us, and Headdog and Jerry welcomed them. Among them were veterans from the War on Terror, to whom we recognized with medals provided by the Vietnam Veterans of America, VVA.

Our greetings were brief, and onto the desert we rode. A gale force wind blew strong enough to blow all but a battleship of the Great Salt Lake blew. It swept off the desert into great clouds, which crossed our path for an overdose of sodium. However, it wasn’t strong enough to slow the NVAR, although, it tossed us around as we rode a little off plumb through the gusts. And that was before we rode into the High Wind Area, where it shifted to our front quarter, which demanded a little more twist on the throttle to keep our pace.

After a hundred miles of salt, sunshine, and the gale, we met more riders and our motorcycle police escort for our ride to the Salt Lake City Veterans Home. In route, the Salt Lake City Fire Department parked fire trucks on an overpass with a large American flag attached to a fully extended ladder. It’s awesome to see such displays of patriotism and support. Our escort waltzed us through interchanges and from lane to lane without the slightest threat, confusion, or hesitation. Those guys were good.

One hundred and twenty some riders rode into the parking lot at the Veterans Home to a warm welcome from many veterans and staff anxiously waiting our arrival. Jason and Jerry presented numerous certificates of appreciation to staff at the Veterans Home, the police escorts, and the fire department. Unfortunately, the certificates are not large enough to express the expanse of our appreciation; we could not do what we do without them all. Thank you all.

Thank you & Never Forget!

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