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Thursday May 19, 2022 at 10:00 am, MST
EVENT; "National Veterans Awareness Ride", West Wendover, NV 89883 (At Chevron Parking Lot) - Exit 410, I-80

**Below is an excerp from the NVAR's daily BLOG;

Our ride started below an interesting arrangement of clouds, perhaps equal in area to the amount of crystal blue sky. All were dressed a little warmer than yesterday for a comfortable ride, another without my heat turned on.

The line for Mountain Time was in the same place as when we rode out; now one hour closer to my internal clock. We crested the hill at West Wendover for a marvelous view of the Great Salt Lake Desert beyond. Wow! What a wagon train, or lone cowboy, must have thought when they saw that!

Thirtysome Utah Riders waited at our gas stop in West Wendover, NV, with Jayson Stephenson, aka Fatguy, the Utah State Coordinator leading the pack. After a quick reunion, the local police and fire department cleared traffic for our passage to our desert crossing on I-80. (In the mix of this, we bid farewell to Ray, Butch, and Mike, who had matters to attend to in Oregon. Their presence was a pleasure, and we’ll see them next year.) And so we rolled. Sixty or seventy bikes looks like a thousand to passersby, so we looked pretty strong out there at 79 mph! At exit 99, more riders waited, along with a dozen plus motorbike policemen to escort us through Salt Lake City; and that was a blessing. The moto-cops and auto cops maintained a rolling block over I-80 and I-15 for an easy ride through town to the Utah State Veterans Nursing Home. Those guys rock’n’roll around traffic!

Thank you & Never Forget!

Wendover, NV-UT PGR Ride Captain:
Blake "Burnout"

Click HERE to contact NorCalPGR.org

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