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Saturday December 7, 2013
Pheasants Forever/Wounded Warrior Hunt - Vinton, CA

The Freedom Hunters providing assistance to our Wounded Warriors in conjunction with the local Susanville Pheasants Forever Chapter 483 is sponsoring the Second Annual guided hunt for 12 Wounded Warriors on 07 Dec 2013 at the Green Gulch Ranch off of Hwy 70, Vinton, CA. They had requested 6 PGR members to assist with the hunt and set up on Saturday 07 Dec 2013 at 0900hrs.

(5) five volunteers assisted me on Saturday 07 Dec 2013. This was a large event with the hunt, weapons, raffles, licenses ect.. paid for by the Pheasants Forever Chapter and the Freedom Hunters. Numerous other businesses are sponsoring this hunt.

The Green Gulch Ranch is located on Hw 70 approximately 18.5 miles west of Hallelujah Junction and US 395 on the right side of the Highway and is marked by a large sign.

This was a wonderful opportunity to meet an help some of our Wounded Warriors’ with the hunt of a lifetime. The comments made last year during this hunt were heartwarming as they really appreciated the Patriot Guard Riders helping with this hunt. These men are a true inspiration to us all.

A Certificate of Appreciation we were given for our assistance in the Wounded Warrior Pheasant hunt the Susanville PGR assisted on Saturday 7 Dec 2013. The Freedom Hunters in conjunction with our local Pheasants Forever sponsored an all expenses paid Pheasant hunt at the Green Gulch Ranch in Vinton, CA. We had twelve wounded veterans attend the hunt. On a cold/snowing day we assisted our Wounded Warriors hunt 100 planted Pheasants donated by the Green Gulch Ranch. All of the veterans had a wonderful time and bagged all but 10 of the birds! One of the Veterans was an amputee at the right wrist and is currently going to be on the Olympic Shooting Team! We were fortunately warned NOT to take any bets with him while on the Trap Range during warm up. This young man was amazing!! This is the second year of what is an annual event each year held over the weekend of Pearl Harbor Day.

I want to Thank all of my group who traveled to the Green Gulch Ranch to help out on this wonderful event.

RC - Rick "Taildragger" Schultz

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