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"National Veterans Awareness Ride"
* May 9th - 26th, 2025 *


National Veterans Awareness Organization Members!

The NVAO Board of Directors is announcing that the 2025 NVAR is HAPPENING!

As we have communicated with you, we are planning to have a
National Veterans Awareness Ride in 2025!

National Veterans Awareness Organization Members!
*Update January 28th, 2025*

NVAO Members,

We’re busy getting ready for the 2025 NVAR. The State Coordinators are nailing down the details of our visits, the necessary merchandise is being ordered, and we are all itching to be with our friends on the ride and meeting new friends in the VA facilities that we’ll visit.

First, we’ve got a favor to ask of you. If you have small items that would make good prizes for the 50/50 drawings, please bring them to the NVAR and give them to the folks in the merchandise trailer when you join the ride.

Second, we’ve received several questions about the activities on Memorial Day weekend (May 24 and 25). You’ll note on the ride schedule on the website (nvao.us) that we’ve got some new events on different days versus past rides.

We couldn’t get a wreath laying time this year on Saturday, but we do have the opportunity for every NVAR participant to lay a flower and pay their respects at the base of the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Arlington National Cemetery on Sunday.

So, on Saturday, May 24, we’ll start the day with a visit to the Vietnam Memorial, followed by a tour of the Air & Space Museum in DC. For lunch we’ll ride to visit our friends at the Accokeek Fire Department (this is always a wonderful time). After lunch you’re on-your-own time.

Sunday, we have two options for you and maybe it’s possible to do part of both options:

1. If you’d like to ride in “Rolling to Remember” you are welcome to ride to the Pentagon parking lot and participate in the Protest Ride through DC.

2. Another group will ride to Arlington National Cemetery for a wreath laying ceremony at the gravesite of Brad Clemmons (son of Brenda and Dave Clemmons, NVAO members). Following that ceremony, we’ll take a tram to the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier to see the changing of the guard and each of us will be able to lay a flower and pay our respects at base of the Tomb. For lunch we’ll ride ten minutes to a restaurant called Burger District for lunch. After lunch you’re on your own.

This will be a wonderful weekend and an emotional close to the 2025 National Veterans Awareness Ride.

We look forward to seeing you on the Ride.

Be Careful out there.

Never Forget.

The NVAO Board of Directors

The NVAR came through Reno, Fernley, NV and
West Wendover, NV
this year, and previous years.

Please see the link's below for further details...

Below are the links to the past 5 years the NVAR came
through Nevada areas. Photo's, video's, and information on each...

NVAR in West Wendover, NV May 16, 2019

NVAR in Reno, NV May 15, 2019

NVAR in Reno - Fernley, NV May 16, 2018

NVAR in Reno - Fernley, NV May 17, 2017

NVAR in Reno, NV May 18, 2016

NVAR in Reno, NV May 13, 2015

Our NVAR objective is to honor, support and remember all of the men and women from all branches of the military service.

We accomplish that objective during our ten day ride across America by visiting Veterans Hospitals and Homes to spend time with Vets and thank them for their service. We speak in schools about the pride of patriotism and the importance of Veterans in our society. And we participate in memorial services that honor military personnel who have paid the ultimate price for our freedom.

Our ride is non-political and is open to all persons (Veterans and non-Veterans, motorcycle riders and non-riders) who share our beliefs and goals regarding Veterans and patriotism.

We welcome you to our family!

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